2023 Board of Directors Election

SFFTS Leadership Opportunities

Are you ready and able to take a leadership position at SFFTS? Our annual board of directors election will be held during November and December, with new or returning board members seated on January 1. We will be accepting applications for board seats during the entire month of November. Candidates will be selected  to participate in the December election by the SFFTS nominating committee. Ready to step up?  Read the section “About our Board” below for more information and click here to apply if you think you would be a good fit.

Not ready to make that big of a commitment? There are lots of other ways to get involved by working on club projects or events. Take a look at the “Other opportunities to contribute” section below for more information.

About our Board

SFFTS is managed by a fourteen member board of directors. Board members are elected for a two year term with half of the members terms expiring each year. Five of the members are elected to officer positions which include President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Media Officer.

Board members are not just advisors but are expected to take an active role in managing and operating the club. Activities include government relations, finance, membership, trail construction, events, and rides. And we’re always open to new ideas, so if you have a passion to pursue something not in this list there is always room to expand the scope of what SFFTS does.

Nominations / applications for the open positions will be accepted during the month of November and the election will be held in the first part of December. Any member in good standing is eligible to run, and it’s not uncommon for expiring board members to run for another term. If you are interested in running for a board seat or would like to apply, click here or send an email to info@sffts.org for more information.

Not ready for a board position? There are still lots of opportunities to get involved. The best way to start is to join our Slack workspace and join any of the channels that interest you. If you want to take a more active role, consider joining one of the committees focused on specific activities listed below. For more information post any questions to the #committees channel on Slack or send an email to info@santafefattiresociety.org.


Building and maintaining local trails is a big part of our mission. One way to help out is to join a trail crew and actually build or maintain local trails. We’re currently working on new trails in the Arroyo Hondo area. If you come across downed trees or other trail maintenance issues you can report them here. Have a suggestion for a new trail or improvement? Join the trailwork email list to keep in touch or join the #trailwork channel on our slack workspace and post your thoughts.


Group rides are great way to meet other members and explore new trails. Currently we have three regularly scheduled group rides, but there’s always room for more. If you would like to sponsor a group ride, join the #rides channel on Slack and post it.


The events committee is responsible for events like our annual picnic. If you have experience or ideas for group events contact us at info@santafefattiresociety.org.

Membership and media

Are you a social media wizard? Interested in writing about local events and club activities? The membership committee along with the board member elected as Media Officer, is responsible for outreach and maintains our web and social media presence. Send an email to media@santafefattiresociety.org for more information. And if you’re more inclined to the technical side of things there may be opportunities to help with system administration.

Government relations

Many of the local trails are on public land managed by the National Forest Service, BLM, or local government entities. It’s important to work closely with these landowners to ensure that trails are planned and built to their standards. If you have insights or contacts that could be helpful send us an email at info@santafefattiresociety and share your thoughts.



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Ride Build Maintain Sanctioned Trails

Remember to always Ride, Build, Maintain Sanctioned Trails

Remember to always Ride, Build, and Maintain Sanctioned Trails! Santa Fe Fat Tire Society (SFFTS) is opposed to any unsanctioned/illegal trail maintenance or construction. SFFTS works with land managers (e.g. Santa Fe city, USFS, BLM, Commonweal Conservancy/GBP) to build new trails and maintain existing trails. Building unsanctioned trails is detrimental to our access, damages the reputation of the mountain bike community, and can jeopardize the success of ongoing projects. If you are interested in building or maintaining trails in your area, it’s time to get involved! Read more about our current volunteer opportunities and trailwork projects!