
2020 Board Election Results

The 2020 Board of Directors Election is over and we have the results! Five of the seven board members with expiring terms, Tim Fowler, Carl Gable, David Grafe, Patti Jenkins,

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The Beginning for Scholastic Racing in Santa Fe In 2018, the Santa Fe Fat Tire Society is supporting the development of a local NICA team to compete in the Colorado

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[siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Image_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] [siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Image_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] Keeping your trails clear Ever been riding completely in the ‘zone’, skirting past the trees, catching the glinting sunlight, and listening to your freehub whiz only

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Winsor Bridges and Reroute

Bridges, reroutes, and creek crossings The Winsor trail is Santa Fe’s iconic ride and because of that, it also sees the highest amount of visitation. With support from the Forest

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Nambe Badlands

New trails being developed near Nambe The area called Sombrillo BLM Lands is commonly referred to as the Nambe Badlands. Total acreage is over 10,000 acres and includes the Santa

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