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Winsor Bridges and Reroute - Santa Fe Fat Tire Society

Winsor Bridges and Reroute

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Bridges, reroutes, and creek crossings

The Winsor trail is Santa Fe’s iconic ride and because of that, it also sees the highest amount of visitation. With support from the Forest Service, the Santa Fe Fat Tire Society paid for, built and installed the bridges that your cross on the Winsor trail. Likewise, after some heavy monsoon floods over the past few seasons, sections became unsustainable, thus we rerouted and armored sections most likely to wash out in the future.

Next time you ride the whole Winsor and realize you don’t need to re-lube your chain or replace your bottom bracket, give a shout out to our volunteers who spent many a long hour building these features for your enjoyment.

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Remember to always Ride, Build, Maintain Sanctioned Trails

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