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Ready, or not? - Santa Fe Fat Tire Society

Ready, or not?

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In cycling you might hear the phrase “it’s not if, but when”. Whether it’s a simple flat, a clumsy tip-over, or a more serious crash, mountain bikers are exposed to a lot more risk than when we are just participating in normal everyday activities. While you may be aware of these risks and take some proactive measures, for example wearing a helmet, how prepared are you if something were to happen? Do you have the tools and knowledge required to deal with the consequences?

Check out our Infographics below for a quick reference guide to being prepared for minor incidents that might occur while on trail. This is by no means an inclusive guide, just a drop in the bucket. If you’re interested in diving deeper check the bottom for additional links and resources.

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Remember to always Ride, Build, Maintain Sanctioned Trails

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