MONDAY, JULY 8th – Atalaya Flyers Kids and Family Ride
Glorieta Camps – RV Campground – 5:45 PM
To enter Glorieta Camps, stop at the entry gate and let the attendant know you’re here for the Atalaya Flyers’ Ride. They will direct you to the RV Campground. Be sure to be courteous to the guest staying in the RV Campground.
TUESDAY, JULY 9th – Women’s Ride
Borrego Trailhead – 5:45 PM
We will start at Borrego Trailhead and ride the Borrego-Bear Wallow triangle (with option for some extra miles up the Winsor). Expect some challenge and climbing on this blue route with about 1000 ft of climbing over just 4.25 miles.
WEDNESDAY, JULY 10th- Coed Club Ride
Sierra del Norte Trailhead, Dale Ball Trails – 5:30 PM
We will start at Sierra del Norte Trailhead, Dale Ball Trails with an option to stay within Dale Ball for a shorter/intermediate route and a second option to head out towards La Piedra/Carols for our longer/advanced group.

We will have a special collaboration with Santa Fe Watershed Association and National Forest Foundation on Sunday, July 14th with a volunteer trailwork opportunity at Atalaya Trail. We will be working on Atalaya Trail near the upper Wilderness Gate parking area.