
Alex Gibson

Alex Gibson


Favorite Bike: Scor 4060
Favorite trail/ride: Sierra Pelada Tarantula Juice
Motto: Be present, be aware and appreciate the simple things

Elizabeth Zeiler

Elizabeth Zeiler

Vice President

Favorite Bike: Orbea OIZ M20 TR
Favorite trail/ride: Cairn Me Up
Motto: For every uphill there's a downhill!

David Grafe

David Grafe

Secretary, Rides Committee Co-chair

Favorite Bike: The one I'm on
Favorite trail/ride: The next one
Motto: It's all downhill from here, except for the uppity bits...

Carey Harper

Carey Harper


Favorite Bike: Jamis Beatnik
Favorite trail/ride: Through the mountains
Motto: Slow is smooth, smooth is fast

Lauren Kahn

Lauren Kahn

Media officer and Women's Ride Leader

Favorite Bike: my shiny sparkly violet velo (but really any bike I am on!)
Favorite trail/ride: The weekly Tuesday night women's rides!
Motto: Let's go the FUN way!

Joe Breese

Joe Breese

Board Member

Favorite Bike: Why Cycles Big Iron
Favorite trail/ride: Mariposa Fatbike Trail System
Motto: Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance

Tim Fowler

Tim Fowler

Board Member

Favorite Bike: Whichever one I'm exploring on Favorite trail/ride: Overnights just about anywhere Motto: Explore more

Carl Gable

Carl Gable

Trails and Government Relations Committee Co-chair

Favorite Bike: The one I'm riding
Favorite trail/ride: The one I just found
Motto: Good judgement is the result of experience. Experience is the result of poor judgement.

Aaron Gulley

Aaron Gulley

Board Member

Favorite Bike: Trek Stache
Favorite trail/ride: Anything I’m riding for the first time.
Motto: Ride forward.

Kelly Heath

Kelly Heath

Board Member

Favorite Bike: Ventana El Comandante SingleSpeed
Favorite trail/ride: Dale Ball Outer Loop
Motto: All my best friends are Mountain bikers.

Helene Minot

Helene Minot

Board Member

Favorite Bike: Pivot
Favorite trail/ride: Too many to list
Motto: Good trails make life better

Bill Roth

Bill Roth

Board Member

Favorite Bike: The one that has two tires that hold air on any given day
Favorite trail/ride: Anything that starts from my front door
Motto: Every moment counts

Peter Stocker

Peter Stocker

Board Member

Favorite Bike:
Favorite trail/ride: