May 6th – Women’s International Mountain Biking Day Ride

Join us to celebrate International Women’s Mountain Biking Day the first Saturday in May!

#WomensMTBDay All-levels women’s mountain bike ride with supportive women guides from the Santa Fe Fat Tire Society. Light snacks and beverages will be provided after the ride. We will break into groups so that all levels can ride! No one will be left behind on this no-drop ride. There is no fee for this ride and you do not have to be a member of Santa Fe Fat Tire Society to participate.

When: Saturday, May 6, 2023 meet at 9:00 am for a 9:30 ride. The ride should last about 90
minutes – 2 hours.

Where: Galisteo Basin Preserve, Cowboy Shack Trailhead
Ready to ride?

● All riders need to sign a waiver. You only need to sign once per calendar year.
RSVP so we know numbers for food and arranging enough groups & guides (you may
also volunteer to help lead or sweep using this form)
● If you have any questions, please contact Lauren Kahn at


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Remember to always Ride, Build, Maintain Sanctioned Trails

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